Blog Building + My Contentious State of Mind


I have forever wanted to start a business online. Something that I know I am good at, something that will be of value to some people. But before that want to start a business is this: An e-zine. Or something like it.

I have planned on a new blog for the longest time. I didn’t even bother counting the months. I just planned when I could. In between a full-time job and personal life, I struggled with starting it. Until I sat down one day and really thought about this e-zine, which I called “pet project.” I was faced with this question: “Why am I having such a hard time starting it?” The answer was a wrecking ball that went straight through me. It was this: “Because I honestly don’t know what I should write about.”

The subjects I am interested in can never be summed up to just one niche blog. It’s going to be messy if I put in everything there in the e-zine. A cohesive form of thoughts it is not. It will not be a lifestyle blog, as I am not even into fashion. Plus, I have nearly zero knowledge about make-up and accessories. My daily regimen to beauty is a lip balm and that is it. I’d only gussy up if I’m bound for either a date or a party, which doesn’t happen very often.

I’d have to admit that more than once, I just wanted to throw caution to the wind and simply START THINGS. But then when I am at the brink of doing so, I buckle and back away. How can I start something that will not resemble a night circus where gargoyles on a trapeze and mermaids balance themselves on large, glittery beach balls? (And is it a good time to mention that the tent is an octopus? An orange octopus.)

I have read and read and read about e-zines and topics related to such but still never had the guts and balls to actually start it. If you have more tips and tricks, by all means, PLEASE feel free to give them away here. The comments section is not too far down.

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